
Noticia destacada
Se aproxima la fecha. Falta un mes para la esperada Cumbre Mundial de Líderes Locales y Regionales de Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU) en Rabat, que se celebrará en la capital marroquí del 1 al 4 de octubre de 2013. Rabat será el escenario del mayor encuentro de representantes electos locales y regionales...
Kadir Topbaş, Mayor of Istanbul and President of UCLG
1. What are your expectations for the Rabat 2013 World Summit? For us, 1996 (Habitat II in Istanbul) was an important milestone. This event marked the beginning of the unification process of the global movement that culminated in 2004 in the birth of UCLG becoming the unified voice of local and regional governments. In 2013 the Rabat summit also represents...
Por Josep Roig. Secretario General de Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU) 1913 En verano del 1913, en Death Valley se registran 10 días consecutivos con temperaturas por encima de los 52°C y el día 10 de julio con 57°C, la temperatura  más alta jamás registrada. El 27 de Julio 1913 en Gante (Bélgica)...
El siglo XXI será conocido como la era del urbanismo, que se expande especialmente en África a un ritmo acelerado. Este número de la revista panafricana "The African Report" se centra en  la Cumbre Mundial de Líderes Locales y Regionales - 4o Congreso de CGLU que se celebrará...
Some 50 percent of the world’s population now live in urban cities. In view of this and as part of its centennial year initiatives, the Rockefeller Foundation is focusing their attention on improving service delivery in urban settings. Their 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge initiative officially opened on the 5th of August. The goal, in the...
Noticias principales
The cities of eThekwini (South Africa) and the regional government of Sao Paulo (Brazil) met together with UCLG, the South Africa Local Governments Association (SALGA) and with the National Department of Human Settlements in South Africa (DHS) in Johannesburg on the 18th of July 2013, in the framework of...
UN-Habitat 2013 Scroll of Honour Awards
The agency’s Executive Director Dr. Joan Clos announced the call for entries for the award, winners of which are expected to be announced on World Habitat Day on 7 October 2013, while the Award presentation ceremony will be held during the closing of the Seventh Session of the World Urban Forum, to be held in Medellin, Colombia, on 11 April 2014.
Secciones y miembros de cglu
A foundation conference of urban forum of CIS countries was held on July 3 in Khabarovsk. It was organized by the UN - HABITAT (United Nations Program on sustainable development of communities), the secretariat of the Intergovernmental Council for Cooperation in a sphere of construction of CIS countries,...
By Alfred Vanderpuije, Mayor of Accra, Ghana / Source: IBM As Mayor of Accra and Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, I would say that there are few areas as crucial for infrastructure investment as cities. At the top of my agenda is Accra and the transformation of its existing systems and...
En Hangzhou, los días 14-17 de mayo de 2013, la UNESCO y la República Popular China organizaron el mayor congreso sobre cultura y desarrollo sostenible. El último párrafo de su Declaración Final dice: “Recomendamos… que un Objetivo específico...
La Comisión de Inclusión Social, a través del Observatorio Ciudades Inclusivas, ha elaborado un estudio de caso sobre la política de desarrollo urbano llevada a cabo en el barrio de Vauban, en Friburgo (Alemania). El proceso del Ecobarrio de Vauban se desarrolla en la ciudad alemana...